Category: Cyber Attack

Log4j CVE-2021-44228
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Log4j CVE-2021-44228

Log4j is popular java library used as logging framework in most of the application. This framework is vulnerable to remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in Apache Log4j 2. It is also known as log4shell: 0 day exploit.

All versions of Log4j2 versions >= 2.0-beta9 and <= 2.14.1 are affected by this vulnerability.

Attacker will send the specially crafted request and a log statement to  endpoint with protocol (HTTP, TCP, etc) that logs out the string from that request. The log4j vulnerability is triggered by this payload and the server makes a request to hacker controlled website via “Java Naming and Directory Interface” (JNDI)

This response contains a path to a remote Java class file which is injected into the server process, this injected payload triggers a second stage, and allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code. The important thing to understand is that the vulnerability gets triggered if the logged string contains any untrusted strings in any part of the logged data.

This way Unauthenticated, remote hacker could exploit this vulnerability and achieve RCE to a server running a vulnerable version of log4j. Many applications use Log4j for logging functionality, Many services are vulnerable to this exploit. Cloud services like Apple iCloud, have already been found to be vulnerable.

MitigationThe simplest and most effective protection method is to install the most recent version of the library, 2.15.0.

If for some reason updating the library is not possible, Apache Foundation recommends using one of the mitigation methods. In case of Log4J versions from 2.10 to 2.14.1, they advise setting  the log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups system property, or setting  the LOG4J_FORMAT_MSG_NO_LOOKUPS environment variable to true.

To protect earlier releases of Log4j (from 2.0-beta9 to 2.10.0), the library developers recommend removing the JndiLookup class from the classpath: zip -q -d log4j-core – *. Jar org / apache / logging / log4j / core / lookup / JndiLookup .class.

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Reading Time: < 1 minutes

Pegasus is the spyware – that is developed, marketed and licensed to governments around the world by the Israeli company NSO Group.

What is Spyware

It has the capability to infect billions of phones running either iOS or Android operating systems.

Pegasus has evolved from using spear-phishing, a process where an attacker tricks the target to click on a malicious link sent via text message or email, to a more sophisticated method of attack called zero-click attacks. This new form of attack has made the software one of the most dangerous spyware that threatens individual’s privacy.

To gain entry, the software identifies zero-day vulnerabilities, meaning flaws in the OS that are not identified yet and hence have not been patched. Instead of exploiting human error, it banks on flaws in the software and hardware system to gain access to a device.

All the hacker does is simply make a WhatsApp call and that initiates access to the OS by launching the code. After planting the malware, Pegasus alters call log so that the user has no knowledge of what happened.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Bull’s Eye

An analysis of criminal forums revealed information regarding top trending Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) among cybercriminals. According to researchers, criminal discussions in underground forums reveal information about the most talked-about CVEs.

Analysis of CVEs

The below analysis by Cognyte is an outcome of examining 15 cybercrime forums from January 2020 to March 2021.
  • The top six, also the most famous among cybercriminals, CVEs are CVE-2020-1472 (aka ZeroLogon), CVE-2020-0796 (aka SMBGhost), CVE-2019-19781CVE-2019-0708 (aka BlueKeep), CVE-2017-11882, and CVE-2017-0199.
  • According to the report, most of the discovered CVEs were exploited by nation-state hackers and cybercriminals; for example, ransomware gangs and global attack campaigns aimed at different industries.
  • The researchers discovered that ZeroLogonSMBGhost, and BlueKeep were among the most talked-about vulnerabilities among cybercriminals between January 2020 and March 2021.
  • Moreover, a nine-year-old CVE-2012-0158 was exploited during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, which manifests that organizations are still lagging behind in taking these threats seriously.

Recent exploit incidents

The above-mentioned vulnerabilities have been used by several attackers to target their victims in the past few months.
  • In May, APT29, the threat actors allegedly associated with the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, were observed leveraging several vulnerabilities, including the Citrix flaw CVE-2019-19781, to target its victims.
  • In April, Prometei, a persistent cryptocurrency mining botnet was observed exploiting Microsoft Exchange vulnerabilities—CVE-2021-27065 and CVE-2021-26858—to target victim networks to install malware.
  • Around the same time, a new Chinese APT Backdoor PortDoor was observed exploiting several vulnerabilities in Microsoft’s Equation Editor, including CVE-2017-11882, CVE-2018-0798, and CVE-2018-0802.


The recent analysis provides another great insight into cybercriminals’ interest in the CVEs. This information could help organizations to identify flaws exploited in the wild and help security professionals address the potential weaknesses by applying appropriate security patches.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

 US and EU have accused China of carrying out a major cyber-attack earlier this year.

The attack targeted Microsoft Exchange servers, affecting at least 30,000 organisations globally.

Western security services believe it signals a shift from a targeted espionage campaign to a smash-and-grab raid, leading to concerns Chinese cyber-behaviour is escalating.

The Chinese Ministry of State Security (MSS) has also been accused of wider espionage activity and a broader pattern of “reckless” behaviour.

China has previously denied allegations of hacking and says it opposes all forms of cyber-crime.

The unified call-out of Beijing shows the gravity with which this case has been taken. Western intelligence officials say aspects are markedly more serious than anything they have seen before.

It began in January when hackers from a Chinese-linked group known as Hafnium began exploiting a vulnerability in Microsoft Exchange. They used the vulnerability to insert backdoors into systems which they could return to later.

The UK said the attack was likely to enable large-scale espionage, including the acquisition of personal information and intellectual property.

It was mainly carried out against specific systems which aligned with Hafnium’s previous targets, such as defence contractors, think tanks and universities.

“We believe that cyber-operators working under the control of Chinese intelligence learned about the Microsoft vulnerability in early January, and were racing to exploit the vulnerability before [it] was widely identified in the public domain,” a security source told the BBC.

If this had been all, it would have been just another espionage operation. But in late February something significant changed.

The targeted attack became a mass pile-in when other China-based groups began to exploit the vulnerability. The targets scaled up to encompass key industries and governments worldwide.

It had turned from targeted espionage to a massive smash-and-grab raid.

Western security sources believe Hafnium obtained advance knowledge that Microsoft intended to patch or close the vulnerability, and so shared it with other China-based groups to maximize the benefit before it became obsolete.

It was the recklessness of the decision to spread the vulnerability that helped drive the decision to call out the Chinese publicly, officials say.

The UK is also understood to have raised the issue of Chinese cyber-activity in private with Beijing over an extended period, including handing over dossiers of evidence.

Microsoft went public about the vulnerability on 2 March and offered a patch to close it. At this point, more hackers around the world had realized its value and piled in.

Around a quarter of a million systems globally were left exposed – often small or medium-sized businesses and organizations – and at least 30,000 were compromised.

Western governments accuse the MSS of using hackers for hire and want it to sever ties with them.

The UK Foreign Office said the Chinese government had “ignored repeated calls to end its reckless campaign, instead allowing state-backed actors to increase the scale of their attacks and act recklessly when caught”.

The White House said it reserved the right to take additional actions against China over its cyber activities.

The EU, meanwhile, said the hack had “resulted in security risks and significant economic loss for our government institutions and private companies”.

But Western spies are still struggling to understand why Chinese behavior has changed. If the hackers were authorized to escalate, it would suggest a step-change in what the country is willing to do and raise the fear that they no longer care about being caught.

That is partly why so many governments have joined together to signal their concerns. Japan, Australia, Canada and New Zealand have joined Nato in issuing a statement in “solidarity”.

The countries also called out wider Chinese behavior which it linked to two groups known as APT 40 and APT 31, which are believed to be linked to the MSS.

Despite the strong language, there are no signs of fresh sanctions against China. In contrast, new sanctions were placed on Russia for the recent SolarWinds campaign which many experts believe was less serious than the Microsoft Exchange campaign linked to China.

Some officials, however, hope China is more sensitive than Russia to international pressure.

The US Department of Justice has announced criminal charges against four MSS hackers which it said were linked to a long-term campaign targeting foreign governments and entities in key sectors in a least a dozen countries.

Ultimately, Western security sources believe the MSS is behind all the activity revealed today and hope co-ordinated international action will put pressure on their activities.